Category: Quarterly Investor Letters

Mountains at Sunset

June 2024

Cash generally does not provide higher returns than fixed income securities, but for an extended period, that has been the case. In fact, money market

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March 2024

Market pre-occupation with Fed policy persisted through the First Quarter. One CNBC commentator claimed Fed policy debates consume ten of fourteen hours of daily airtime.

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December 2023

Happy New Year! Please save the date: Thursday, February 22, 2024 for Patten & Patten’s 15th Annual Investment Symposium at the Westin Downtown Chattanooga.  

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September 2023

Reversal was the theme of the Third Quarter. Through the first half of the year, stock market gains reflected an extreme narrowness last seen during

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June 2023

In the Second Quarter, stock market momentum accelerated as the NASDAQ Composite Index posted double-digit returns. The NASDAQ’s year-to-date returns are reminiscent of the late

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March 2023

A combination of factors contributed to strong stock market returns in January: a) China abandoned its “zero-COVID” policy; b) indications of peak inflation; c) favorable

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December 2022

The Federal Reserve’s Open Market Committee (“FOMC”) meets next on February 1, 2023. At that meeting, the market anticipates the penultimate rate hike for this

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September 2022

Following the Great Financial Crisis, global economies entered a lengthy era of financial repression, characterized by extremely low interest rates.  Traditional asset allocation frameworks required

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June 2022

Federal Reserve Chairman Powell recently addressed the unsettled debate as to whether the Fed acted too deliberately regarding inflation.  During testimony, he acknowledged monetary policy

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March 2022

The war in Ukraine introduced extreme geo-political uncertainties to an outlook growing increasingly cloudy. Until the invasion, the key variables in our outlook for 2022

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